Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Salem, Oregon 106F today!

Well, actually it was so hot that I’m not sure if it got up to 106F or 107F - even though I watched the news and all they talked about was the heat. Either way, it was HOT! But not too hot to start gathering our goodies for the River Romp weekend. Stay cool...

I got you to hold my hand
I got you to understand
I got you to walk with me
I got you to talk with me
I got you to kiss goodnight
I got you to hold me tight
I got you, I won't let go
I got you to love me so

I got you babe.
I got you babe.
I got you babe.
I got you babe.
I got you babe.


Michael Dickson said...

You two are totally out of control.

Anonymous said...

i love the outfits. you guys look great! that weekend sounds like a blast!

so you beat us by a few degrees yesterday! we were 102 in lake stevens. luckily i was invited to the home of some friends who live on another lake and i spent a lot of time in the water which was 81 and felt great. they say that's the wamrest it's been in the 25 years they've lived there.

today i get to eat lunch at a friend's who has central air-lucky me.

i'll e-mail soon. we just got hooked up a few days ago and it is soooo hot in this room that i've done very little on the internet.

take care and say hi to sonny, i mean mike ;-)


Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

Felipe - we try to keep life interesting!

Teresa - this is not the summer we expected in Salem! Luckily, we'll be in the Lewis River all weekend.

Anonymous said...

definitely not our kid of weather. have a wonderful weekend! i'm off to the lake. it is soooo hot in this room. not up to doing much on the computer!
